Author: Dana L Brown

Book Report..Loss of Innocence 💔

One of my current favorite series to read is the Women’s Murder Club, by James Patterson. I love the grit, and trying to solve the murders, but more than that, I love the relationships. In fact, that’s what hooks me on any series, and why I still love writing the AMI Series. It’s the feeling that I know the people I’m reading or writing about that brings me back for more.

So, imagine my surprise when I thought I was checking out the next Women’s Murder Club book only to find out the book I brought home was by Richard North Patterson, titled Loss Of Innocence. It was too late in the day to return to the library, and I needed something to read so I tried it, and guess what? It was really good.

The majority of the book takes place in 1968, and that was what drew me in. I was a junior in high school and vividly remember Bobby Kennedy being shot, and the turmoil of the Vietnam war, and segregation. My dad had business in Atlanta the weekend of Martin Luther King, Jr’s funeral, and took me and a friend of mine with him. Just being there at the same time as so many distinguished people was daunting.

Whitney Dane, the book’s main character, had recently graduated from Wheaton College and was spending the summer on Martha’s Vineyard with her family, while she plans her upcoming wedding to Peter Brooks. Peter had lost his own father when he was young, and very quickly became the son that Whitney’s father never had.

Whitney’s family was considered well off, and still very much a traditional 1968 family, where the father went off to work and the mother raised the children. The problem was that Whitney was beginning to question those values, much to the displeasure of her family, and even somewhat, her fiancé.

Enter Benjamin Blaine; an ambitious college dropout who had been an aide for Bobby Kennedy. A friendship blooms between he and Whitney, despite her parent’s concern over his importance in her life.

What happens next? You need to read the book to find out! There are several plot changes in Loss Of Innocence, so don’t be jumping to conclusions just yet. I haven’t even told you about Whitney’s sister, or best friend Clarice, and they both have important parts in the storyline.

I hope that you’ll look into Loss Of Innocence, and that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. I grew up in a family very much like the Danes, which made me feel Whitney’s angst all the more. There have been a lot of changes in society since 1968, some great and some not so good, but it was a special time in our nation’s history, and one I’ll never forget.

Until we read again…📚


Dana L.❤️ Read more

The Way We Were…

If you live in the US you may be observing Thanksgiving tomorrow. And, I hope like me, you have many blessings to be thankful for. But as much as I look forward to this year’s celebration, it’s going to be a poignant one. Because unless something changes, this will be the last Thanksgiving we spend in the home we’ve lived in since 1982.

Our youngest was still a toddler the summer we rode past this house on our bicycles and I made the declaration that “we’re going to live in that house someday.” Several months later we did. The events that led up to my dream coming true was almost a perfect storm, but it happened, and the tradition of Thanksgiving at our house began.

So here I am thirty seven Thanksgivings later, trying to come to terms with a tsunami of memories. Like how we put a heavy quilt over the living room entrance the first two years because while we somehow scraped up the mortgage payment each month, heating this big house was another story. We lived in a small den off the kitchen, cozy and content in our new environment.

Or that we celebrated all three girls high school and college graduations here, and this is the home where they spent the last night night before their wedding’s. This is the house that our seven grandkids call “Mia and Poppy’s house”, the one where we’ve held Easter egg hunts, played basketball in the driveway, and restaurant in the playhouse in the back yard. This has been our home, and safe haven, and the thought of leaving it is way more emotional that I ever imagined it would be.

Now the reality sets in. The Captain is retiring at the end of January and he’s ready to fulfill the goal we’ve had since we were dating of living on the water. Plus, this is a lot of house and yard to take care, and neither one of us wants to do it. We know where we’re going to move; it’s just a matter of selling this house and doing it.

Today I asked my husband if I was going to be happy moving to a lake community in a different state, and his response was “what’s not to be happy about?“ In my head I know that he’s right, but my heart is still struggling a bit.

So this Thanksgiving, when I set the table with my grandmother’s dishes and silverware, and I look over the faces of my family, I’m going to do my best not to dwell on what I’m losing by moving out of my home. Instead, I’m going to look towards the future and the new adventures still to come.

My memories will go with me wherever I go, and everyday I’ll be making new ones. A new family may move into this house but they will never replace the images in my mind of the way we were.

Until we read again…📚

Thanksgiving Blessings,

Dana L.❤️

Interview with Author/Editor, Bambi Sommers

I’m thrilled today to have with me Bambi Sommers, author, editor and marketing guru! She writes steamy romance with a touch of intrigue, and I recommend her books to those of you who enjoy a good action packed love story.

I really like what you’ve written on your Twitter profile. You say “American woman on the highway of life breaking speed limits and flying over speed bumps.” What does that mean to you?
I laughed out loud when I wrote that!  It means that I’ve reached a stage in my life that I do what I want, regardless of the “rules”.  I’ve always had that in me but in a whole different way than now.  When I was younger it was done with more of a rebellious sneer.  But, as I’ve aged, I feel a sense of freedom I’ve never felt before.  It’s too bad we don’t experience this when we’re young, but I guess it gives us something to look forward to.
Writers almost always start writing because they love to read. What made you want to jump into the author pool?
It was actually the publishing firm of Simon & Schuster who got me started in writing.  On a Thanksgiving holiday weekend, they sent an email asking if I’d like to enter a romance writing contest.  I had been reading romance novels for a couple of years so I thought why not?  I got to work and wrote Justice Prevails in a month so it would be ready in time.  I didn’t expect to win but I also didn’t expect to love writing!  By the time they announced the winner on Valentine’s Day, I had studied self-publishing and written book 2 of that trilogy.  I published book 1 a few days after the contest ended, book 2 a week after that and the final book in the trilogy a month after that.

I’ve just started on your IMPS Series, and you know I love Justice. Tell us what you feel is most important for readers to know about the men in this trilogy?

It’s been almost two years since I’ve written the IMPS trilogy and I didn’t realize until a couple months ago when a friend pointed out that I had written it mostly from the men’s point of view.  I guess this shows how much they mean to me!  I’ve taken the best from men I’ve known and expanded on that.  They are caring, possessive alpha men who are beautiful inside and out, everything that defines the word, ‘manly’.

Of all your characters, which one have you enjoyed writing the most?

That’s easy.  Phantom.  He’s a bit older and most playful.  I won’t be ruining anything for the reader if I say I love it when he jumps in and dances in the kitchen.  He’s spontaneous and sexy and tough as nails when needed, which is a good thing, because I really put him through his paces in the second book of the trilogy, Phantom Rising.

Besides being an author you’re also an editor. What are some of the biggest challenges you face when you’re editing someone else’s work?

Editing comes naturally to me.  However, there is a fine line between making someone’s words better and making them your words.  I make sure not to cross that line.  It has been challenging to edit in a genre like fantasy or sci-fi where the entire world is made up.  You have to really concentrate.  My biggest challenge is knowing when to stop.  If you allow yourself to get too tired, work can become sloppy.  My clients deserve my best. I have been fortunate to have had incredibly talented writers trust me with their words!

Do you have a new series that you’re working on? If so, what can you share about it?

I do have a new series!  It’s the Hart Investigations Romance.  I have the first three books published, Diesel, Cody and Gabe.  I’m currently working number four, Sam.  I originally intended for this to be a fivebook series, but have recently decided to wrap it up in the current story.  It’s about the Hart Brothers, former DEA undercover men who want a change.  When Diesel finds his love, they decide to settle down and open a PI firm.  It’s alpha men, strong women and the cases they take on.

You used to do the marketing for a large radio station. Is marketing your books and editing services similar, or are they a totally different marketing type?

I was Promotions Director to a top radio station which served two major markets.  There are only 3 or 4 in the US.  This background made me think marketing my book would be a piece of cake.  Boy, was I wrong!  You see, social media was not the big deal it is now in the 80’s and 90’s.  I came in to marketing my books in a whole new world!

If I asked you to name the best book you’ve ever read, what would it be?

The best book I’ve every read?  Ugh!  You’re killing me here! Hahaha!  There have been hundreds of books that I would say are favorites but here are a few.  A famous one would be Harry Potter.  Most of us have probably read it so you know how wonderfully imaginative it is.  Another favorite is a series by Darynda Jones called the Charley Davidson series.  Charley is not your average PI, she’s also the grim reaper.  It’s a fantasy sprinkled with a bit of horror and romance and it’s laugh-out-loud funny!  I actually listened to this on audio because it’s narrated by my favorite, Lorelei King.  She brings every character to life!  I would like to mention one more from an indie like myself.  It’s No Soul No Service by Sean Erik.  His main character, Vince West, brings a sexy vibe to his own brand of fantasy.  It’s an absolute unputdownable read!!

What’s your favorite genre to read?

Romance is still my favorite genre to read.  I’m so fortunate in my work that I get to read lots of genres and I enjoy each and every one.  But at the end of the day, when it’s time to relax and read for fun, my go to is a great romance!

What’s your favorite genre to write?

Romance thrillers are my favorite genre to write.  However, I have noticed that, after writing my IMPS trilogy and a rock & rock duo, Firebird 1&2, my current series may be more thriller than romance.  I’ve had some men point this out as they’ve enjoyed this more!

Is there one thing a book must have to make your “to be read” list?

I used to never be able to read something really graphic like a rape scene.  However, I have edited my share of very graphic scenes and, unlike a movie you can watch through your fingers, you can’t do this with a book.  So, no, I don’t have anything must-haves.  I just like a good story!

Tell us about you! What makes Bambi Sommers the woman she is today? What are your goals for 2020 and beyond?

There’s a lot that shapes us into the people we are.  I credit my mother with my strength.  She told me I could do anything and I believed her!

I have a very special goal for 2020.  It’s to grow my editing business to the point that I can quit the part-time job I do now and focus on editing and writing.  I semi-retired a couple years ago and have, not for the first time in my life, reinvented myself with a new career that I hope will take me to the end of my days.  It brings me joy and allows me to help indies like myself.  I’m content and happy in a way I’ve never been before and couldn’t ask for anything more.

My deepest thanks to Bambi for her time and her candor. We’ve recently become friends on Twitter and I look forward to the time when we can meet in person.

Please check out her website and visit her Amazon author page. Both links are below.

Until we read again…📚


Dana L. ❤️



Author page link:



Review of Lottie Loser by the Redheaded Book Lover❤️

This review melts my heart!

Lottie Loser, Dana L. Brown

Contemporary Fiction, Literature & Fiction, Romance

It’s been twelve years since Lottie Luce ran away to Indiana, three weeks before her classes were to begin at IU, to avoid a confrontation with her best friend, and secret love, Nick Greyson. On the night she’d believed he was going to tell her he wanted her for more than a friend, Lottie caught Nick in a compromising position with her long-time nemesis, Ashley Marshall. The hurt and humiliation were more than she could bear.

Now a product of personal reinvention, Charlotte Luce is the youngest, and first female market president of Olde Florida Bank, and her life is nearly perfect. That is until Nick comes home to Anna Maria Island, hoping to save his father from financial ruin, and Charlotte’s carefully created world stands still.

Lottie Loser vacillates between the present, and the memories of the young girl who thought she had found love, lost it, and is now forced to examine the decisions she made, as well as the chemistry she and Nick still share.

Lottie Loser is an incredible, powerful, and beautiful piece of romantic fiction which I am obsessed with! This phenomenal book has stolen my heart and ran off with it; the brilliant story of Lottie Loser is captivating and full of heartfelt moments that will keep you in awe from start to finish. Romance books make for fantastic reads, and they make an even better read when the author is an excellent writer and knows what they are doing! That is why I was so pleased when I started to read this story because the author’s writing captured my attention from the first page. Dana L. Brown is the author of Lottie Loser, and in her book, she gives her readers everything they would want and more. Brown’s book Lottie Loser is full of excellent characterization, a charming and fast-paced story, and of course, stunning literature that will have you thinking of it after you put the book down! That is why I already recommend this book and would love to tell you more about it throughout the rest of my review!

Lottie Loser is a sensational book that will introduce the reader to the protagonist and star of the story, Charlotte “Lottie” Luce. Charlotte is living the dream; she has a handsome lawyer on her arm, is successful, beautiful, and has everything a girl could want. However, when an old flame from her past arrives where she now lives, her perspective on her life changes. Charlotte is forced to confront her past, her mistakes, her love for Nick Greyson, (the man from her past), and so much more. What follows is a beautiful, contemporary piece of romantic fiction that should not be missed!

If you are looking for a detailed, fun, romance-filled story, then Lottie Loser is for you! Lottie Loser has all of this, and so much more, its story is quite simply brilliant and will leave you wanting more. Lottie Loser is around 300 pages and makes for the perfect, short, and entertaining read to keep you company for a few evenings. The book is wonderfully written and stands out amongst the norm of the romance genre. Lottie Loser does have many classical romance themes we see in most romance novels, however, what I adored about this book is that it focuses on the protagonist’s journey as she grows, develops and changes as a person and starts living her authentic self and it made for a truly beautiful read!

Dana L. Brown, the author of the novel, can only be described as a talented writer, the finest kind who is imaginative as well as passionate; these are two qualities I look for in an author, and Brown certainly has them! Brown’s words were exceptional and very moving and always kept me guessing about what was going to happen to the characters I had grown to love, as well as the outcome of the story. I so badly wanted to know what was going to happen and so I raced to the end and wow, what a satisfying read and ending it was!

To conclude my thoughts on the fantastic Lottie Loser, I would say if you are looking for a unique romance book full of many moving, charming, and memorable moments as well as perfect characterization and phenomenal writing, then Lottie Loser is for you! Lottie Loser is, of course, going to get, five stars from me! So be sure to have a read of this book and check out the other two books in the series, Call Me Charlotte and The Greysons, which is titled the AMI Series! You will not regret it.

Goodbye for now book lovers!. Thank you so much again for reading.

Amazon U.S. – Amazon

Until we read again…📚


Dana L. ❤️

Let me tell you a story…

Once upon a time there was a banker who wanted more than anything to write the book that was running around in her head. So she left the job that she loved and Charlotte Luce was born!

Lottie Loser is the story of a beautiful, successful young woman, who struggles letting go of the past. It vacillates between Now and Then, giving the reader the events of Charlotte’s life, and how she arrived at the place she is when the story begins.



Not only is Lottie Loser my debut novel, but it also is the winner of a Silver Medal, a National Award, from the Florida Authors and Publishers Association. What an honor.🥈

On Social Media I’m telling a daily story about Charlotte, who was nicknamed Lottie when she was young, and I wanted to share part of it here, as well. My characters are very vivid in my mind, and I want you to see them as I do.


Meet Charlotte Luce…the Main Character of the 1st 3
books in the AMI Series
And this is Charlotte when she was young and going by the nickname,Lottie

Lottie’s life changes forever when she skips 5th grade, and meets the new boy in the 6th grade, Nick Greyson.

Meet Nick. Good looking, a great swimmer,  and a genuinely nice guy. When he befriends Lottie, her world changes forever.

The story or Nick and Lottie will continue on my social media sites, and if you don’t follow me, I hope that you’ll start!

Until we read again…📚


Dana L. ❤️

Twitter.         @DanaLBrownBooks

Facebook     @DanaLBrownAuthor

Instagram    @dana_brown_author

Author Page


Vacation with an Author! 🌴

Because we got home late, this week’s blogpost is pictures of my recent Book Vacation. It was an amazing two weeks with a great mix of book events and fun ones! Enjoy!!

Ready for the Meet and Great at The Island Coffee Haus on
Anna Maria Island

With The Captain at The Cortez Kitchen after
the Book event on AMI

Ready for the beach with Charlotte’s favorite Beach House Wine!

Bernadette was the WINNER of the 2018 Auction for Lottie Loser and Call Me Charlotte. We ran in to each other again this year at the auction at Peanuts Sports Bar.
I met Bernadette at the 2018 weekly
auction at Peanuts Sports Bar.
She was the WINNER of
Lottie Loser and Call Me Charlotte.
We ran in to each other again at this year’s
My dear friend, Award Winning Author Kathryn Knight and her husband Tom, join us for dinner every fall at
New Smyrna Beach.
Definitely Charlotte approved!
The sun rising over the ocean. My little
piece of heaven on earth.

Until we read again! 📚


Dana L.❤️

Winchester Writers 2019 Contest

In the spring of 2019 the Winchester Writers group made the decision to hold their first ever writing contest. The idea was the brainchild of Jeff Ward who also took it to our local newspaper, The News Gazette, and received their commitment to help.

After several weeks winners were selected in both adult, and students under eighteen categories, and below are pictures and excerpts from the winning essays. The topic, My Randolph County Memory brought several different recollections, but both winning entries center around our town square, and the amazing community we call home.

Picture with me is Ashley Jennings, student winner, Jeff Ward, Winchester Writers group member, and Jordan Law, adult winner.


The Square of Memories

by Jordan Law

“CRACK!” The sound of a whiffle ball making contact with the bat can be heard echoing off the buildings. “RING” the sound of the game bell going off, announcing a carnival game winner, can be heard in the autumn breeze. “WHEEEE-YOO” The sounds of sirens pierce the night air as a hometown team brings home another title.

Moments in time. Memories made. Laughter with family and friends. These are just a few reasons why so many have found our humble town square the source of inspiration, and the place of many fond memories being made.



By Ashley Jennings

When I’m asked “What is my Favorite Randolph County Memory” I don’t think of just one memory. I think about several little memories about all the fun I have living in Randolph County. I think about all the friendly people, like me neighbor who tells me every time I see him to go slower around a curve on my bike. I think about all the times when another neighbor would stop me to simply chat about what’s going on and about her cute little dog.

I think about the time I was checking out some of my favorite books at the Winchester public library and the kind librarian tells me she remembers when I used to check out fairy books when I was little. I think about going home after State Fair Band Day when it seems like the whole town is there to welcome us back even when it’s nearly one o’clock in the morning.

Both ladies were awarded a great selection of prizes donated by local merchants. Their contribution helped the contest be successful and the WW Group is extremely appreciative.

Until we read again…📚


Dana L. ❤️