Author: Dana L Brown

The Power of a Word

Do you remember this children’s rhyme?  Sticks and stones  may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. It sounds nice, but in reality it’s the biggest crock of butter you’ve ever been told!

Words can hurt, and hurt badly. They ruin marriages, and families and friendships, all because they’re so easy to say, but impossible to take back.

Who in your life says the most negative things to you in a given day? You know, the person who says “you’ll never lose weight”, or “you’re not a very good athlete “. It’s you, right?

It doesn’t matter where words come from; your spouse, your parent, a friend, or your own thoughts and mouth, the wrong words can take away your joy, your motivation and sometimes even your life.

Today I’m challenging you to keep your words positive, whether you’re talking to yourself, or someone else. Words are a weapon and they can be spoken for us or against us.

Remember in Lottie Loser the first time Ashley Marshall called Lottie a “loser”? Those words helped define Charlotte’s life,  but thankfully they didn’t break her.

My goal is to think before I speak and to use my words to change my life! Because you know what? I’ve proven that I can lose weight, and I biked The Netherlands! But most importantly, I want to use my words for healing, and not for pain.

Wishing you a day filled with wonderful words, for others and especially for you…


Dana L.


Three Authors You Should Know!

It’s author week and it’s my pleasure to share with you Three Authors whose work you I hope you will love as much as I do.


Sam Staley (S.R. Staley) is a lover of pirates, and his series about them is lots of fun! I just completed the first book in the series, The Pirate of Panther Bay, and was especially fond of Isabella, The Pirate Ship Captain.  A woman Pirate? Yep! And I did my Amazon review, too!

Everyone has had their life touched by cancer. Whether by personal experience, or that of a friend or loved one, the next author, Angelina Assanti has a very poignant story to share.  Her #1 Best Seller, Thank God I Got Cancer Because Now I’m Not a Hypochondriac Anymore, is written in a way that will make you laugh and make you cry, and it will definitely make you think.

Jeri Hines is the author of several series set during the old south, or The Revolutionary War, and every book  I’ve read has melted my heart. Her Southern Legacy Series is one of my favorites. Belle of Charleston is Book I and if you like strong male characters, you’ll love both Cullen and Wade.

I hope you enjoy this month’s author share, and that you’ll read and appreciate their work. I’ve read the books listed above,I wouldn’t recommend them if I hadn’t.  And remember….leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads!

Books are my passion…what’s yours? 📚

As always,

Dana L.



Why Write a Review?

  • We’re all Readers here, right? So that means we always give a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads when we’re done with a book, because we know how important those reviews are to the author.  Right again?

If you’re hanging your head, it’s okay, because sometimes writing a review seems like a lot of work, so we just don’t do one. But have you ever thought how important that review is to the writer of the book you just read?

Yesterday I got my hair done and yes, I’m as blonde as a California girl, but while I was with my stylist the lady in the next chair told me how much she loved Lottie Loser! Awesome.  I asked her if she had done a review on Amazon and she said “no”, I’ll just give you your review here. I realized then that a lot of people don’t really understand the value of their posted review, so that’s why we’re talking about it now.

A posted review to Amazon or Goodreads is more than just validation for the author.  The real purpose is so that other readers can decide by the posted message whether or not it’s a book they want to read. Of course, it also helps the writer know if their work is being well received, or if they missed the boat!

A 5 Star review is what all authors are hoping for, but not all books are 5 Star worthy.  You need to review based on your experience with the book.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Means I loved it

⭐⭐⭐⭐      I liked it

⭐⭐⭐            It was okay

⭐⭐                I didn’t like it

⭐                     I hated it

A two or three sentence explanation needs to go with the review, along with a title.  I recently read and reviewed K.I. Knight’s, Fate & Freedom, The Middle Passage, and this was my 5 Star review.

”What a powerful and moving storyline! If you love history this is a great read.  My heart was pulled towards the main characters and I have to know what happens next”.

I’m currently reading The Pirate of Panther Bay, by S.R. Staley, and of course , I’ll leave a review!

So, the next time you read a book, whether it comes from your local library, Amazon, or another avenue, please remember this blog, and leave a review! The author and other perspective readers will thank you.

One more tidbit.  If you don’t regularly use Amazon they won’t post your review.  I believe  the rule now is you must have spent $50.00 with them, but that is always changing.

Goodreads allows reviews without a purchase, so be sure to utilize them.

I wish you all a wonderful Wednesday, and hope that as soon as you finish reading this you’ll post a review on the last book that you read! Unless of course, you already did!

Be a Rock Star for your favorite author!

As Always

Dana L.







5 Stars for Charlotte!!

I am so excited to share with you that Call Me Charlotte has received a 5 Star Review from Reader’s Favorite! The review will go out on Facebook and Twitter tomorrow, but I felt I owed it to you to let you read it first!

Be sure to look over the Gallery while you’re here to see pictures from Release Week!

Reviewed by Gail Kamer for Reader’s Favorite

What a fun read! Call Me Charlotte by Dana L. Brown follows Lottie (call me Charlotte) as she is fired from her job as president of the Old Florida Bank on Anna Maria Island in Florida.  She learns that one of her best friends from childhood and the love of her life, Nick, has been shot. Oh, Lord! Please let him live! Why has she been so stubborn? Nick’s brother confesses his love for Charlotte and she finds out something important.  How will this all work out?

Call Me Charlotte is one of those wonderful “feel good” books you want to take to the beach or curl up with at the pool or in front of a fireplace.  It’s full of love, wonder, and a few tears-happy ones.  While there is conflict, it’s the kind of conflict that most people encounter in their lives, not conflict where someone has a curse, an unknown killer disease, murder and mayhem, etc. It’s a down-to-earth, love of your life got away, make mistakes, get over them and smile kind of read. I loved the easy to read short chapters, the fast paced plot, and the fact that you could read the book in in just a day or two.

If you’re looking for a story to enjoy as you’re enjoying life, vacationing, or just need something to smile about, this is the book for you.

I wish you all a safe and special Memorial Day weekend, surrounded by the things that you love! Like books?!😉

As always,

Dana L.



Release Week!

Welcome to Blog Day!

What a week it’s been.  On Friday Call Me Charlotte officially released at the Island Coffee Haus on Anna Maria Island.  My publisher, Terri Jerrell of SYP Publishing was there, and it was a great day all the way around.

Then on Saturday a book signing was held at Ginny’s & Jane’ES, and again, we had another successful day.

On Tuesday I visited my friend Patti Brassard Jefferson’s wonderful book store, PJ Boox in Ft Myers, Florida.  It was so fun visiting with Patti and her staff, and of course, talking with people about Call Me Charlotte.

As lovely as Florida has been I’m ready to get Charlotte back to Indiana, and share her with my reader base there. I’ve had so many messages and Facebook posts asking when people can buy Charlotte locally, and it won’t be long now!

When I get home my intent is to get The Greysons to my publisher, in hope of a Valentine’s Day 2019 Release!

Until next week I wish you Happy Reading and even Happier Days!

As always,

Dana L.


It’s Party Time!

I’m calling today Wish Come True Wednesday, so we need to have a party! A Book Release Party that is, because my wish has come true. This Friday Call Me Charlotte will be releasing with a party on Anna Maria Island, and I couldn’t be more excited!

For those of you who don’t know my story, I left a thirty-two year career in banking…one that I loved and did well in, because I wanted to write a book.  That book, Lottie Loser, was the beginning of my life as an author, as well as the beginning of the AMI Searies.

On Friday I will be thinking of all of you and thanking you for your support and encouragement.  Because of you my Fairytale just keeps getting better!

Wishing you a week of filled with parties and Fairytale’s coming true!

As Always,

Dana L.

Authors You Need to Know!

Happy Blog Day!

First of all, a big thank you to everyone you played Two Truths and a Lie last week.  The overwhelming answer was that I lied in saying I had read every single Harry Potter book, and if you said that, you were right!

David Edmonds was the first correct answer, and he got it by using logic, saying it was a lot of books to read! I wouldn’t know that because I haven’t read any of the HP books!😳

You will see a reference to Harry Potter and my flight superstition in Call Me Charlotte, so be watching!

Speaking of David Edmonds, he’s one of the authors you need to meet. His books, Girl in the Glyphs, and Lily of Peru are filled with International  intrigue, and just enough spice to heat things up!

The next author you need to know is K.I. Knight.  Her Fate & Freedom Series is amazing, and if you care at all about genealogy, and the truth about the heritage of this country, these books are a must read.

Zelle Andrews is a name you’ll want to remember.  Her books, Paisley Memories and Dancing With Dandelions are so poignant, and I highly recommend them.

David and Kathryn are both multiple Award Winning Authors, and Zelle is headed in that direction.  But what you need to know is that besides being wonderful authors, who will make you both laugh and cry, they are all three my friends. Can my Fairytale get any better?

Wishing you a day filled with books,  curled up in your favorite chair…

As Always,

Dana L.





Two Truths and a Lie!

Happy Wednesday Fairytale Fans!  Below are two truths and one lie.  Let’s see how well you know me.  The first correct answer will get a shout out in next week’s post!

  1.  I have read every Harry Potter book written.
  2. Before boarding an airplane I say “arrive alive”.
  3. I’m a dancing Queen, and love to dance.

Why these questions?  Because two of them are mentioned in Call Me Charlotte, and I wanted to give you a little teaser before the actual release.

Finalizing the text and the artwork this week has been so much fun and I can’t wait for you to have the finished product.  Call Me Charlotte is phase two of my Fairytale, and I love being able to share it with you.

Until next week I wish you Happy Endings, and more truths than lies!

As always,

Dana L.





Decisions, Decisions!

Everyday we’re forced to make decisions, right? Sometimes they’re easy, and sometimes they’re tough, but regardless they have to be made.  I’m big on accountability, and if you know me at all you’ll know that I take responsibility for my actions, even when doing so hurts.

In Lottie Loser, Charlotte made a decision the night of the Senior Sendoff that ended up costing her twelve years of friendship, and possibly love, with Nick.  It was a decision that haunted her for years, but thankfully she was given an opportunity to reevaluate, and to move forward with her life.

In Call Me Charlotte, once again our heroine is forced to make some important decisions, but will they be the right ones?  I have made decisions in my life that we’re good, and some that definitely were not, but let’s hope I led Charlotte down the right path!

As always I wish you a day of Happy Endings, and hopefully nothing but good decisions!

Dana L.


The World Wide Web…Friend or Foe?

When did I become so dependent on the internet?! Yes, it’s a great tool and resource, but when it goes down, even a person with limited technical skills like mine goes nuts!
This is how my day begins. Get-up, make coffee, greet Sofi, and start reading Tweets from the night before. Of course, some need a commentary from me, plus there are a couple of daily “Author Confessions” that I have to answer, and then I start on Facebook.
All this considering that two years ago I had no Social Media interest at all!
But when the internet stops working, or as I’m now calling it, “the world stops turning”, everything comes to a halt. Yes, I get a certain amount of Twitter and FB activity from the data on my phone, but nothing like when there’s WiFi available.
Where is all this leading us? Yesterday the internet was down all over town, and today I’ve had intermittent service. So while I have editing to do and a cover to approve for Call Me Charlotte, I haven’t been able to access emails from my publisher.
I’ve decided that when I have an approved cover for Charlotte I’ll send it out directly to those of you who have subscribed to my website. After all, membership has privileges, right?.

Until the next time, I wish Happy Endings, and no loss in your internet service!!

As Always,

Dana L.